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Texio DCS-9730Dデジタルオシロスコープ(2チャンネル、300MHz、2Gs / s)

  • 生産者:TEXIO
    Model: DCS-9730D
    品物を保証します: 12 Month
    • 要件クオート Request a Quotation
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    ホットライン: (+84) 968060220

    電話番号: +84 (24) 62923267

Resolution 8 bit @1MΩ: 1mV*~10V
*: When the vertical scale is set to 1mV/div, the bandwidth limit will be set
to 20MHz automatically.
Input Coupling AC, DC, GND
Input Impedance 1MΩ // 16pF
DC Gain Accuracy* ± (5% × |Readout| + 0.1div + 1mV) when 1mV/div is selected
±(3% × |Readout| + 0.1div + 1mV) when 2mV/div or greater is selected
*: The measurement type is average of ≥ 16 waveforms with the vertical
position at zero
Polarity Normal & Invert
Maximum Input Voltage 300V (DC+AC Peak), CAT I
Oset Position Range 1mV/div ~ 20mV/div: ±0.5V
50mV/div ~ 200mV/div: ±5V
500mV/div ~ 2V/div: ±25V
5V/div ~ 10V/div: ±250V
Waveform Signal Process +, -, ×, ÷, FFT, FFTrms, d/dt, ∫dt, √
FFT:Spectral magnitude. Set FFT Vertical Scale to Linear RMS or dBV RMS,
and FFT Window to Rectangular, Hamming, Hanning, or Blackman-Harris.
Source CH1 ,CH2, CH3, CH4, Line, EXT, D0-D15
Trigger Mode Auto (supports Roll Mode for 100 ms/div and slower), Normal, Single
Trigger Type Edge, Pulse Width, Video, Pulse Runt, Rise & Fall, Timeout, Alternate, EventDelay(1~65535 events), Time-Delay(10nS~10S), Logic*, Bus**with Logic
Analyzer Option
Holdo range 10nS to 10S
Coupling AC,DC,LF rej. ,Hf rej. ,Noise rej.
Sensitivity DC ~ 100MHzApprox. 1div or 1.0mV
100MHz ~ 200MHzApprox. 1.5div or 15mV
200MHz ~ 300MHzApprox. 2div or 20mV
External Trigger
Range ±15V
Sensitivity DC ~ 100MHzApprox. 100mV
100MHz ~ 200MHzApprox. 150mV
200MHz ~ 300MHzApprox. 150mV
Input Impedance 1MΩ// 16pF
Time base Range 1ns/div ~ 100s/div (1-2-5 increments)  ROLL: 100ms/div ~ 100s/div
Pre-trigger 10 div maximum
Post-trigger 1000 div maximum.
Accuracy ±20 ppm over any ≥ 1 ms time interval
Real Time Sample Rate 1CH: 2GSa/s 2CH: 1GSa/s
ET Sample Rate 100GSa/s maximum
Record Length 1CH: 2Mpts(10div)  2CH: 1Mpts(10div)
Acquisition Mode Normal, Average, Peak Detect, Single
Peak Detection 2nS (typical)
Average Selectable from 2 to 256
X-Y Mode
X-Axis Input Channel 1; Channel 3*
Y-Axis Input Channel 2; Channel 4*
Phase Shift ±3° at 100kHz
Cursors and Measurement
Cursors Amplitude, Time, Gating available
Automatic Measurement 36 sets: Pk-Pk, Max, Min, Amplitude, High, Low, Mean, Cycle Mean, RMS,
Cycle RMS, Area, Cycle Area, ROVShoot, FOVShoot, RPREShoot, FPREShoot,
Frequency, Period, RiseTime, FallTime, +Width, -Width, Duty Cycle, +Pulses,
-Pulses, +Edges, -Edges, FRR, FRF, FFR, FFF, LRR, LRF, LFR, LFF, Phase
Cursors measurement Voltage dierence between cursors ( ∆V)
Time dierence between cursors ( ∆T)
Auto counter 6 digits, range from 2Hz minimum to the rated bandwidth
Multi-language menu Available
Time clock Time and Date ,Provide the Date/Time for saved data
Dimensions 380mmX220mmX145mm
Weight 4.2kg
Accessory AC Power cordx1, Probe x4 or x2, ACCESSORY CD-ROMx1, USING THE

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  • 良質な取り決め
  • オリジナル保証
  • 宅配便
  • 買い取り簡単化
