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GLOBAL PB505 디럭스 아날로그 및 디지털 디자인 트레이너 사양

Variable DC Output
-1.3 V to -15 V @ 0.5 A, ripple <5 mv="" br="">  Fixed AC Output
12.6 VAC center tapped @ 100 mA
Frequency Range
0.1 Hz to 100 kHz in six ranges
Function Generator Output Voltage
0 to +10 V (20 Vpp)
Function Generator Output Impedance
600 Ω (except TTL)
Function Generator Output Current
10 mA max, short circuit protected
Function Generator Output Waveforms
Sine, square, triangle
Sine Wave
Distortion < 3% (10 Hz to 100 kHz)
TTL Pulse
Rise and fall time <25 ns="" br=""> Drive 10 TTL load
Square Wave
Rise and fall time <1.5 s="" br=""> Logic Indicators
16 LEDs: 8 red to indicate logic high, 8 green to indicate logic low
Logic Probe
Built-in TTL/CMOS compatible logic probe
Captures fast single-shot events and pulse trains
Input impedance: 300 kΩ
Overload Protection: +50 VDC
Minimum Detectable Pulse Width: 100 ns
TTL Threshold Low: +0.8 V, High: +2.25 V
CMOS Threshold Low: +30%Vcc, High: +70%Vcc
Memory mode latches on first transition and LED remains on until probe is reset
Debounced Push-Button (Pulsers)
Two push-button operated, open-collector output pulsers, each with one normally-open and one normally-closed output
Each output can sink up to 25 mA
One 1 kΩ, one 10 kΩ
All leads available and uncommitted
Two SPDT slide-switches
BNC Connectors
Two BNC connectors, pin available and uncommitted, shell connected to ground
Logic Switches
Eight individual SPDT logic switches, one side of all eight switches connected and switchable to +5V or ground, other side of all eight switches separate, and uncommitted
0.25 W, 8 Ω
BCD to 7 Segment Display
Two BCD to seven segment display circuits are provided including decoder/driver circuitry
Tie-points: 5 per each unit
Breadboarding Area
A total of 3360 uncommitted tie-points available on velcro breadboard plate
Two QT-59B bus strips
Fifty tie-points for each +5 V, variable +15 V, and ground if desired
Steel case
10 lbs (4.5 kg)
Overall Dimensions
4.5 in (H) x 15 in (W) x 10.75 in (D) (11.4 x 38.1 x 27.3 cm)

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