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BK Precision 4047B 双通道函数/任意波形发生器(20Mhz,2通道)

Frequency Characteristics
Sine 0.01 Hz - 20 MHz
Square 0.01 Hz - 20 MHz
Triangle 0.01 Hz - 2 MHz
Pulse 0.01 Hz - 20 MHz
Resolution up to 8 digits
Accuracy 0.001% (10 ppm)
at < 500 Hz: 0.001% + 0.006 Hz
Output Characteristics
Amplitude Range 10 mVpp to 10 Vpp (into 50 Ω);
20 mVpp to 20 Vpp (open circuit)
Amplitude Resolution 3 digits (1,000 counts)
Amplitude Accuracy ± 2% ± 20 mV of programmed output from 1.01 V - 10 V
Flatness ± 0.5 dB to 1 MHz
± 1 dB to 20 MHz
Offset Range -4.99 V to 4.99 V (into 50 Ω)
Offset Resolution 10 mV, 3 digits
Offset Accuracy ± 2% ± 10 mV (into 50 Ω)
Output Impedance 50 Ω ± 2%
Output Protection
Protected against short circuit or accidental voltage
practically available in electronic laboratories, applied to the main
output connector
Waveform Characteristics
Harmonic Distortion
(3 Vp-p into 50 Ω)
0 - 1 MHz, < -60 dBc
1 MHz - 5 MHz, <-50 dBc
5 MHz - 12 MHz, <-45 dBc
12 MHz - 20 MHz, < 50 dBc
Rise/Fall Time (square, pulse) ≤ 20 ns (10% to 90% at full amplitude into 50 Ω)
Variable Duty Cycle/Symmetry Square: 20% - 80% to 2 MHz
Triangle: 1% - 99% in 1% steps, up to 200 kHz
Symmetry Accuracy at 50% ± 1%
Pulse Width
(period 100 s - 50 ns) 10 ns to <(Period - 10 ns), 10 ns resolution
Variable Edge Time 100 ns to Width/0.625 (50 % duty cycle)
10 ns resolution
Jitter (square, pulse) < 50 ps rms (cycle-to-cycle, typical)
Arbitrary Waveform Characteristics
Sampling Rate 8 ns to 100 s
Vertical Resolution 14 bits
Accuracy 0.001%
Resolution 4 digits
Waveform Length 2 to 16,382 points
Jitter < 50 ps rms (cycle-to-cycle, typical)
Operating Modes
Continuous Output continuous at programmed parameters
Output quiescent until triggered by an internal or external trigger, at
which time one waveform cycle is generated to programmed parameters.
Frequency of waveform cycle is limited to 1 MHz.
Gate Same as triggered mode, except waveform is executed for the duration
of the gate signal. The last cycle started is completed.
Burst 2-65535 cycles
Trigger Source Trigger source may be internal, external, or manual. Internal
trigger rate 0.1 Hz - 1 MHz (1 us - 10 s)

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