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Saluki DSO1082数字示波器(80Mhz,2GSa / s,2通道)

Bandwidth 80MHz
Sampling Rate Range 2GSa/s
Memory Depth 64K
SEC/DIV Range 2ns/div - 40s/div
Sampling Rate and Delay Time Accuracy ±50ppm in any ≥1ms time intervals
Delta Time Measurement Accuracy (Full Bandwidth)
Single, "Sampling" mode, ±(sampling interval + 100ppm x readout +0.6ns)
Average factor≥16, ±(sampling interval + 100ppm x readout +0.4ns)
A/D converter 8-bit resolution, each channel sampled simultaneously
VOLTS/DIV range 2mv/div - 5V/div at input BNC
Rise Time 4.3ns
Automatic Measurement
Frequency, Period, Mean, Pk-Pk, Cycli RMS, Minimum, Maximum, Rise time, Fall time, +Pulse width, -Pulse width,
Delay 1-2 Rise, Delay 1-2 Fall, +Duty, -Duty, Vbase, Vtop, Vmid, Vamp, Overshoot, Preshoot,
Preiod Mean, Preiod RMS, FOVShoot, PREShoot, BWIDTH, FRF, FFR, LRR, LRF, LFR, LFF
Waveform Signal Process +, - , x, ÷,FFT, Invert
100-120VACRMS (±10%), 45Hz to 440Hz, CAT II
120-240VACRMS (±10%), 45Hz to 66Hz, CAT II
Power <30W
Fuse 2A, T rating, 250V
Size 313mm(L) x 108mm(W) x 142mm(H)
Weight 2.08KG (Without Packing)

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