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TEKTRONIX MSO64 6-BW-1000 数字示波器

Analog channel bandwidth 1Ghz

Sample rate (1 ch) 25 GS/s

Record length (1 ch) 62.5 M

Vertical Resolution 8 bits @ 25 GS/s; 8 GHz on all channels

12 bits @ 12.5 GS/s; 4 GHz on all channels

13 bits @ 6.25 GS/s (High Res); 2 GHz on all channels

14 bits @ 3.125 GS/s (High Res); 1 GHz on all channels

15 bits @ 1.25 GS/s (High Res); 500 MHz on all channels

16 bits @ ≤625 MS/s (High Res); 200 MHz on all channels

Sample Rate 25 GS/s on all analog / digital channels (160 ps resolution)

Record Length (std.) 62.5 Mpoints on all analog / digital channels

Waveform capture rate

>500,000 waveforms/s

Standard trigger types

Edge, Pulse Width, Runt, Timeout, Window, Logic, Setup & Hold, Rise/

Fall Time, Parallel Bus, Sequence, Visual Trigger, Video (optional)

Auxiliary Trigger ≤5 V RMS , 50Ω, 400 MHz (Edge Trigger only)

Standard analysis

Cursors: Waveform, V Bars, H Bars, V&H Bars

Measurements: 36

Spectrum View: Frequency-domain analysis with independent controls

for frequency and time domains. RF vs. time traces (magnitude,

frequency, phase)

FastFrame TM :

Segmented memory acquisition mode with maximum

trigger rate >5,000,000 waveforms per second

Plots: Time Trend, Histogram, Spectrum and Phase Noise

Math: Basic waveform arithmetic, FFT, and advanced equation editor

Search: Search on any trigger criteria

Jitter: TIE and Phase Noise


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