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TTI LD400P Electronic DC Load (80A, 80V, 400W, USB, RS-232, LAN)

Maximum Input Ratings
Current: 80 Amps max. through the rear panel terminals.
30 Amps max. through the front panel terminals
Voltage: 80 Volts max. while conducting current.
Surge suppressors start to conduct at 120V (nominal),
Max. non-repetitive surge energy: 80 Joules.
Power Continuous: 400 Watts max. up to 28ºC, derating to 360 watts at 40ºC. (1)Power Short Term: 600 Watts max. up to 28ºC, for up to 60 seconds on-time, with off time
at least double the on time.
Min. Operating Volts: <2v at="" 80a="" typically="" equivalent="" to="" 25mw="" above="" 100mv="" at="" 4a="" br=""> Off State Leakage: <10 ma="" including="" voltage="" sense="" circuit="" input="" resistance="" br=""> Reverse Polarity: Diode will conduct; 80 Amps max.
Isolation Voltage: ± 300Vdc max, either load input to chassis ground.
Input Terminals
Rear Panel Input: Safety terminals accepting 5mm diameter wire, or 8mm spades up to
80 Amps max., or 4mm plugs at 30 Amps max.
Front Panel Input: Safety terminals accepting 4mm diameter wire, 4mm plugs or 6.5mm
spades up to 30 Amps max.
External Voltage Sense
Connection: Terminal block on rear panel. Sense selection by slide switch.
Input Impedance: 680kW each input to load negative.
Max. Sense Offset: 6V (allowance for backing-off supply for zero volt operation)
Constant Current Mode (CC)
Current Ranges: 0 to 8 A (1 mA resolution) and 0 to 80 A (10 mA resolution).
Setting Accuracy: ± 0.2% ± 30 mA.
Regulation: < 30 mA for 90% load power change (V > 2 Volts).
Temp. Coefficient: < (±0.02% ± 5 mA) per ºC. (2) Slew Rate Ranges: 8 A range: <2.5 amp="" per="" s="" to="">250 Amp per ms.
80 A range: <25 amp="" per="" s="" to="">2500 Amp per ms. (3) Min. transition time: 50 µs.
Constant Power Mode (CP)
Power Range: 0 to 400 (or 600) Watts.
Setting Accuracy: ± 0.5% ± 2 W ± 30mA).
Regulation: < 2% over 5 V to 75 V source voltage change (using remote sense).
Temp. Coefficient: <(± 0.1% ± 5mA) per ºC. (2) Slew Rate Ranges: <40 w="" per="" s="" to="">6000 W per ms. (3) Min. transition time: 150 µs.
Constant Resistance Mode (CR)
Resistance Ranges: 0.04 to 10W (0.01W resolution); 2 to 400W (0.1W resolution).
Setting Accuracy: ±0.5% ± 2 digits ± 30 mA.
Regulation: < 2% for 90% load power change (V > 2 Volts, using remote sense).
Tem. Coefficient: < (±0.04% ± 5 mA ) per ºC. (2) Slew Rate Ranges: 10W range: <1w per="" s="" to="" 100w="" per="" ms="" br=""> 400W range: <40w per="" s="" to="" 4000w="" per="" ms="" 3="" min="" transition="" time:="" 150="" s="" br=""> Constant Conductance Mode (CG)
Conductance Ranges: <0.01 to="" 1="" a="" v="" 1="" ma="" v="" resolution="" 0="" 2="" to="" 40="" a="" v="" 0="" 01="" a="" v="" resolution="" br=""> Setting Accuracy: ± 0.5% ± 2 digits ± 30 mA.
Regulation: < 2% for 90% load power change (V > 2 Volts, using remote sense).
Temp. Coefficient: < (±0.04% ± 5 mA) per ºC. (2) Slew Rate Ranges: 1 A/V range: <0.1 a="" v="" per="" s="" to="">10 A/V per ms.
40 A/V range: <4 a="" v="" per="" s="" to="">400 A/V per ms. (3) Min. transition time: 150 µs.
Constant Voltage Mode (CV)
Voltage Ranges: Vmin to 8 V (1 mV resolution) and Vmin to 80 V (10 mV resolution).
Vmin depends on current: typically <2v at="" 80a="" br=""> Setting Accuracy: ± 0.2% ± 2 digits.
Regulation: < 30 mV for 90% load power change (using remote sense).
Temp. Coefficient: < (0.02% + 1 mV) per ºC. (2) Slew Rate Ranges: 8 V range: <0.8 v="" per="" s="" to="">80 V per ms.
80 V range: <8 v="" per="" s="" to="">800 V per ms. (3) Min. transition time: 150 µs.
AC Input: 110V–120V or 220V–240V AC ±10%, 50/60Hz. Installation Category II.
Power Consumption: 30VA max. Mains lead rating 6A.
Operating Range: + 5ºC to + 40ºC, 20% to 80% RH.
Storage Range: – 40ºC to + 70ºC.
Environmental: Indoor use at altitudes up to 2000m, Pollution Degree 2.
Cooling: Variable speed fan. Air exit at rear.
Safety: Complies with EN61010-1 and EN61010-2-030.
EMC: Complies with EN61326.
Size: 130mm H (3U) x 212mm W (½ rack) x 435mm D.
Weight: 5.7 kg.
Option: 19-inch rack mount kit.

GPIB interfaces: no, this feature has been discontinued



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