ITECH IT6823 High Performance DC Power Supply (72V, 1.5A, 108W)
Manufacturer: ITECH Model: IT6823 Guarantee: 12 Month - Contact
See more: Equipment Calibration-Inspection & Repair Service
Call for the best price
Hanoi city: (024) 35.381.269
Danang city: (023) 63.747.711
Bac Ninh city: (0222) 730.39.68
Hai Phong city: (0225) 730.03.89
HCM city: (028) 38.119.636
Dong Nai: 0345.689.536
- Voltage: 72V
- Current: 1.5A
- Power: 108W
- Resolving: 10mV/10mA
- Accuracy: <0.05%+20mV/ <0.1%+15mA
- Interface: Optional RS232/USB/GPIB
- Size: ½ 2U
- Accessory: CD, AC power cord
- Quality Engagement
- Easy change and return
- Delivery Avaliable
- Favorable payment